January 18, 2025
Mt. Shasta 99s meeting at Chico Airport
Present: Diana Ward, Donna Harman, Rita Limmer, Sue Kerr, Barbara Crooker, Angela Clark, Barbara Boot, Lerose Lane, Nancy Overton, Ruby Anchordoguy
Nancy welcomes us to 2025. She announced that Margaret Brennan passed away. Her service is planned at a date in April.
Scholarships are available for active members who have been a member for a year or more. Ruby says the outreach programs are hard to find.
Secretary Barbara Boot said she had the November minutes done but had failed to post them. Each member announced when they became pilots and what they are doing now.
Program: Ruby gave us handouts of Basic Aerodynamics: She did a presentation on lift, drag, weight and th.rust. She is presently working on her check ride with instruments and getting close to her written. She has logged 85 hours. A major accomplishment for someone currently going to school and learning to fly! Excellent job!
Nancy announced that Ann Marie Sutter is a 767 Captain working for Atlas. She is mentioned in the current issue of the ninety-nine's magazine on page 31.
Nancy had a drawing for an airplane bottle opener. Ell Jackson won it.
Poker run: Rita is planning a poker run in October. Price to be determined. Wanda has the cards and Rita has the envelopes.
International Conference: Angela and Mary Wick will be speakers there. Nancy will attend as well.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30 P.M. to have lunch in the sun.
Respectfully submitted
November 6, 2024
An exciting donation made to our Mount Shasta 99s from Dan Fregin, aka the Friggin
Artist, Dan Fregin
Asking $500 Minimum Donation.
Offers for this rare art piece will be accepted until May 1, 2025.
Donate to our Mount Shasta 99s Scholarship Fund
Call Lerose Lane at (530)356-8315 to Place Your Donation Offer
This unique charitable donation was made by Dan Fregin to our Mount Shasta 99s. Donation proceeds are slated to go for our Mount Shasta 99s scholarship fund to honor his friend posthumously, Jene (nee Virginia) Grunerud, who was a Ninety-Nine.
Dan’s Story from His Website
“Dan hopes that he has only begun to try to bring as much of his 43+ years of airplane ownership, operation, and piloting as possible to whatever items of "Airplane Junk" as well as other media that will accept his imagination. With no formal training, Dan hopes to use whatever combination of techniques will bring the unique qualities of each piece to your imagination.
As he tries to explain in Friggin, his collection of over 120 stories, he feels he has been more fortunate than he ever thought he knew how to imagine, whether it would have been during his youth, on a farm in Central Minnesota, or as those stories were happening. With nearly no access to airplanes, he thinks he has been extremely successful, more so by being able to watch others sharing bits of it. So he is tapping into his imagination to try to bring interesting parts of airplanes to others who share a fascination for light airplanes.’
Some of his items have been shown at:
Chico Art Center
Red Bluff Art Center/Gallery
Chico Municipal Airport Pilot Lounge
Please send us any and all donation offers for this amazing and unique art to:
Mt. Shasta 99s
P.O. Box 814
Palo Cedro, CA 96073
Note: Other pieces of his amazing art work can be viewed on his website.
Per the artist, “This was an experiment to see how using airplane silhouettes might work. I used an airplane I wish I could still own (J-3), one I flew for 8 years (Lear 35, photo taken by the owner Cal Worthington's wife), and 2 that seem easily recognized (B-17 like Cal flew 25+ missions over Germany and BT-13 associated with the Chico Air Museum) “
Instructions for frame assembly are on the back of one of the canvases. Instructions for placing the canvases are on the frame circled A B C D. If you choose to use the velcro option, hooks or nails need to be as close to 17 ⅛ inches apart as you can get.
October 19, 2024
Mt. Shasta 99s meeting at Chico Airport
Present: Leeanne Jopson, Ruby Anchordoguy, Wanda Schuler, Lerose Lane, Donna Harman, Barbara Crook, Barbara Boot
Lerose asked how much we made on the pancake breakfast? Barbara Crooker said $ 1,309.00.
Dan Friggin Art Gift: Lerose presented photos of the artwork to pass around at the airport. She suggested it show a minimum donation of $500.00. It includes a frame and was pointed using house paint. She will have it on our website to sell until May 1, 2025.
Lerose said there were 68 hits on our website, and Barbara Crooker said there were 48 hits on our Facebook page. It was noted that International does not want private email or phone numbers on our website. Barbara Crooker will change the domain name to our chapter.
Barbara Crooker canceled the PayPal account. She also mentioned that she has a copy our Charter and will email it.
59-year anniversary: We will plan a Gala event in June 2025. Our mother chapter is Sacramento Valley Chapter, and our “babies” are Redwood Coast and Sutter Buttes.
Flying companion Seminar: It will be at the Quonset Hut March 16th, 2025. We need to assign categories to present. Barbara Boot mentioned that she asked Angela Clark to present the weather and she said that she would do so.
Stem Conference: Nancy Overton is in charge. We are looking for volunteers to give a 4-minute talk.
Scholarship: Lerose handed out updated scholarship applications. We will have a separate email sddress just for scholarships. The AEMSF deadline is 12/31/2025.
Barbara Crooker Suggested meeting quarterly and having monthly Zoom meetings.
Donna will send out a questionnaire asking what member want or need. Please contact Donna with your ideas.
Christmas party: It will be December 14, at 1:00 P.M. at Dennis and Donna Harman’s home. It will be a potluck and gift exchange.
The next meeting will be November 16th at 11:00 A.M. at the Quonset hut.
The meeting adjourned to go to the open house at the Air Museum.
Barbara Boot, Secretary
July 30, 2024
Mt. Shasta Chapter’s, Ellysia Jackson, has passed her check ride!! Well done!! Here’s to seeing you in the sky 😎
July 20, 2024
Mt. Shasta 99s meeting at Quonset Hut 11:00 A.M.
Present: Barbara Crooker, Sue Kerr, Lerose Lane, Ruby Anchordoguy, Angela Clark, Nancy Maas, Mackenzie Lake, Rita Limmer, Ellysia Jackson, and Barbara Boot
Vice Chairman Lerose Lane chairing while Nancy Overton is enroute to Air Venture.
Minutes from May 18th meeting read by Barbara Boot
Treasurers report: Barbara Crooker reported income from the pancake breakfast was $ 4975.00, expenses were about $1500.00, leaving a profit of approx. $3500.00. The EAA will donate to CAP and Rotary Club. Our income will be approx. $1100-1300.00. We have $551.69 in checking and $6070.26 in savings. $759.95 is promised to Angela Clark and $2000.00 to Mackenzie Lake.
Rita Limmer suggested that we sell hot dogs and sodas at Young Eagle and other aviation events.
Lerose commented that we should schedule a Flying Companion Seminar.
Barbara Crooker, Barbara Boot and Angela Clark commented on the Vancouver conference as the best one they have been too. Barbara C. said the business meeting was ran very professionally. Angela mentioned meeting instructor Mary Latimer, who was a big help to Angela via Zoom.
Update on members:
Angela will be teaching ground school beginning September 7th from 9 to 1:00 at Lincoln Airport . Ellysia has her private pilot license and is now working on her instrument rating. Nancy Maas announced CAP in Redding has ground school on Tuesday nights.
Lerose served salad and peaches and presented a program on Foreflight.
Respectfully submitted.
May 10, 2021
Tidbits from our May 6th Board Meeting
Congratulations to Crysta Papesh for passing her commercial check ride!
The following are tidbits from our May 6th Board Meeting. In
attendance were Nancy Overton (Chair), Lerose Lane (Vice-Chair), Barbara
Crooker (Treasurer), Joan Cooper (Scholarship Chair), and Sue Kerr
(long-time member, and former Chair). With Covid easing its grip, our
Chapter is ready to resume our activities!
- Next General Membership Meeting May 15, 2021, @ 10:00 AM Quonset Hut at
Benton Air Park, bring your own drinks, and food or make it a ZOOM
- Mount Shasta 99s to participate in
Father’s Day Breakfast, volunteer’s are needed, Redding EAA with split
proceeds with our Chapter—primary fundraiser
- Julie Ostendorf and Barbara Crooker performing inventory for breakfast at
the Quonset Hut, Benton 10:00 AM
- Contact Julie Ostendorf @ (530) 227-5678 or (530) 244-2513 to volunteer
- Setup at Benton Air Park (Jim Ostrich’s hangar) June 19th, at
10:00 AM
- Father’s Day Breakfast June 20th, 2021, from 7:00 AM to 10:00
- Expecting 300 breakfasts to be served.
- Mount Shasta 99s to participate in Young Eagles Event at Red Bluff
Airport (KRBL), on June 12, 2021, from 8:30 AM to Noon, and volunteers
are needed
- Coordinators are Barbara Crooker at (530) 515-7929 cell or (530) 549-4275
home: or Barbara Boot (530) 624-4357 (cell)
- Signup at website for Young Eagle flight or volunteer work @ Http://
- No onsite registration for Young Eagle flights
- Scholarship application deadline extended to June 15th,
- Two (2) $2,000 scholarships available
- Application and instructions are under “Scholarships” on our website.
- Contact Joan Cooper @ (951)663-2826
- Eligibility dependent on current membership in Mount Shasta 99s, and
- Dues are due to Barbara Crooker and may be mailed to Mount Shasta 99s,
P.O. Box 814, Palo Cedro, CA 96073 (Many have not paid their $20.00)
- Calendar
- May
- Monday, May 10th Benton Quonset Hut 10:00 AM, Barbara Crooker and Julie Ostendorf to inventory needs for Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast
- Saturday, May 15th Benton Quonset Hut + Zoom Meeting 10:00 AM All Members and Guests
- June
- Saturday, June 12th, 8:30 AM to Noon, Young Eagles at Red Bluff Airport KRBL
- Saturday, June 12th, 12:30 PM Mt. Shasta 99s Meeting at Breezy’s Wings and Wheels Restaurant
- Saturday, June 19th, 10:00 AM, Jim Ostrich’s hanger—set up for Father’s Day Breakfast, and working meeting.
- Sunday, June 20th, 7:00-10:00 AM, Jim Ostrich’s hanger—Father’s Day Breakfast
- July
- No Meeting for Mt. Shasta 99s,
- July 10th, Online International Meeting
- August
- Social (location, date, and time TBD)
Flight Training Scholarship
Each year the Mount Shasta Chapter offers two(2) $2000 scholarships
opportunity to a local woman pilot or student pilot. The purpose of this
award is to assist the recipient in obtaining her private pilot
certificate, or an advanced rating.
1. Applicant must reside in Shasta, Trinity, Siskiyou, Modoc, Glenn Tehama
or Butte Counties in California.
2. Must be a current Mount Shasta 99s member, as well as a current
Ninety-Nines International member prior to award.
3. Must be 18 years of age or older.
4. If under the age of 18 years of age, the applicant must have the consent
of either a parent or guardian.
5. Must be proficient in English.
In addition, the applicant must have passed the written exam, soloed and
have a current medical before funds are awarded, but not necessarily before application. If an advanced rating is the
goal, the applicant must have a current flight review, and all prerequisite
ratings for the rating she seeks, before funds can be awarded but not necessarily before application.
Application Guidelines
· The application must be completed in full, using the forms available on
our Mount Shasta 99s website.
· Applicant must meet eligibility requirements. Verification of eligibility
will be made by Mount Shasta 99s scholarship committee.
· All applications must be submitted or postmarked no later than June 15th, 2021
The application should be submitted to:
Mount Shasta 99s Scholarship Committee
Joan Cooper
Scholarship Committee Chair
3590 Wasatch Drive
Redding, CA 96001
(951) 663-2826
January 15, 2020
Our Mt. Shasta 99s Christmas Party, Dec. 1, 2019 Held at the 202 View Restaurant
Our Christmas Party at the 202 View Restaurant—Very Elegant Dining for our Mt. Shasta 99s Festive Occasion
A gift exchange with lively “swapping” followed a delicious lunch. Numbers were drawn, and who ever
holds the number selects a gift from the table. The selected gift is unwrapped and shown to our party
goers. The next person that has their number drawn is allowed to either select a gift from the table, or
take a gift from someone who has already made a selection. If someone gets their gift “stolen”, they are
allowed to go to the gift table for another selection or to take another’s pre-selected gift. A gift can only
be “stolen” twice before it is off limits.
Our Christmas party isn’t always held at a restaurant. Sometimes one of our members will volunteer to
hold the party at their home. The home parties are great potlucks, since our members are very good
cooks. These party settings also make for memorable, fun events.
Some of Our Women Pilots (Lt. to Rt.) Julie O. Barbara B., Diana W., Sue K., Barbara C, and Wanda S.—Wondering if their gift is going to be stolen.
Louie D., Richard P., and Melody P. Watching the exchange to keep it “Honest”
Donna T. Checking Out Gifts
Ashley H., One of Our Scholarship Recipients
Why do we have our Mt. Shasta 99s Chapter? As Amelia Earhart once said that she flew, for the fun of it! Our Chapter is continuing to gain new members with challenging goals for their flight advancement, who also fly for the fun of it.
September 30, 2019
September Scholarship Awards
Kristin Gibson Receiving Her Scholarship Award
Ashley Huff Receiving Her Scholarship Award
The Mount Shasta 99s is proud to announce that two young women pilots were awarded $2,000 scholarships for their future flight training. The recipients are Kristin Gibson of Mount Shasta, California, and Ashley Huff of Chico, California.
Kristin, while living in Mount Shasta, achieved her instrument rating with the help of our Mount Shasta 99s 2018, scholarship for $2,000. During the last year, she instructed students at Hillsboro Aero Academy at Hillsboro, Oregon, and proudly speaks of her student’s achievements. She is planning on pursuing her multi-engine rating at Emory-Riddle Aeronautical University, in Prescott, Arizona. Currently, she is rated as a Certified Flight Instructor with Instrument Rating, and has a degree from Emory-Riddle.
Ashley, is attending CSU, Chico, as a business major, and has managed to squeeze in 55 hours of flight training, with 5 hours of solo fight in a Mooney, which is a complex aircraft. She has shown that she is capable of multi-tasking, with going to college, working at a bank, and taking flight training. Her goal is to become a rated private pilot, and a Certified Flight Instructor.
The Mount Shasta 99s is a local chapter of the Ninety-Nines Inc.,International, and usually meets monthly to discuss chapter business, and coming events. Like us on Facebook, and visit our website to learn more about the Ninety-Nines, and our chapter’s work. Our chapter usually awards at least one scholarship per year to an aspiring woman pilot.
June 07, 2018
May 12th Meeting at Benton Airpark Cafe
Lots of members participating
View Attendees: Far left, Sue Kerr, Janice Galloway, Melody Poison, Barbara Boot, Alizette Belle, Kristen Gibson, Donna Harman, Barbara Crooker, Julie Ostendorf, Donna Taylor, and our adopted Rita Limmer (Lerose Lane was the photographer)
Alizette, Lerose, and Kristen with Scholarship Awards of Each for $2,000
Lt. to Rt. Barbara Boot, Donna Taylor (Charter Member and Generous Doner), Alizette Balle, and Lerose Lane
The Happy Face of One of our Scholarship Recipients and the End of a Very Good Meeting
May 01, 2018
April Meeting at Chico Air Museum
April meeting was held on Thursday the 19th at the Chico Air Museum. Attending members were Julie Ostendorf, Barbara Boots, Lerose Lane, Heather Jay, Julee Garrett and Christine Potje (who flew in her Cessna 182P from Woodland).
Christine noted that the wind was pretty breezy which made it a little bit fun to land at Chico Muni. She was heading to Benton O85 afterwards to teach the IFR ground class that is held every Tuesday and Thursday. Most of us bought our lunch at the nearby Foodies café just around the corner from the museum.
After the meeting, we all enjoyed a tour of the airplanes and the new Space history section of the museum. Next meeting will be at Benton Airpark Café on May 12th at 12:30
March 17, 2018
About 200 middle-school girls headed to Simpson University in Redding for the 2018 Women in STEM Conference. Many technical career options were presented, and our Mt. Shasta 99s presented a section on Aviation Careers and Discovery Flight. Nancy Overton headed the “Discovery Flight” simulation with Barbara Crooker, Julee, Garrett, and Sarah Ludlow assisting. Mock runways were taped off on the classroom floor with Barbara Boot stating a brief rundown of what is necessary as a check list prior to a flight. Most of the girls were able to “fly” a tower instructed take-off to the Sundial Bridge and a tower instructed landing for a complete go around. Their bodies were their own “pilot” and “airplane”.
Besides the “Discovery Flight” activity, Barbara Crooker had Young Eagles handout for the students, and told the students about the opportunities Young Eagles offered, and Barbara Boot mentioned some of the scholarship opportunities for women pilots and student pilots. Nancy Overton gave a brief description of how the 99s evolved with Amelia Earhart’s help.
Julee Garrett had a video presentation of some of the recent Space X launches, including the launch of a space ship with a car. She gave some of her personal experiences from her time at NASA and how there were few women in the field when she started her career. The students were riveted to the presentation with the pictures of space ship successes and failures on launches and landings. Julee emphasized the importance of mathematics to enable these launches to be successful.
Sarah Ludlow gave a presentation on her first solo flight. She had a video of this flight, and gave the students a first-hand experience of how she felt. Sarah was only 16-years old for her solo flight.
Diana Ward gave handouts for the Civil Air Patrol and encouraged the students to come to their meetings.
Tony Miller created a drone display including filmstrips for the girls to view, and Lerose Lane gave a short presentation on the future of drones in aviation.
Presenters for the STEM Conference—Aviation Careers and Discovery Flight (Lt. to Rt. Julee Garrett, Barbara Boot, Diana Ward, Lerose Lane, Sarah Ludlow, Barbara Crooker, Nancy Overton
Also, a big thank you is deserved by Eric Marshall, Bryant Garrett, and Tony Miller for their help in making this STEM Conference a success!
The annual Women in STEM Conference is organized by the Redding branch of the American Association of University Women as a way of motivating the girls to pursue technical and scientific career paths.
December, 2017
Fall SW Section Conference Wings Above the Mountains
Mount Shasta 99s
Redwood Coast Flyers
For the first time in over 20-years, the Fall 2017 SW Section Conference was held in Redding, California, at the Red Lion Hotel. There were many fun activities, besides several educational seminars. It took our Mount Shasta 99s, and the Redwood Coast Flyers several months of in depth planning to make this a section conference as one to remember. The seminars were on pilot nutrition by Ann Orton, and ABS-In and ABS-Out by Irwin Fust.
Our fun activities included kayaking on Whiskey Town Lake, CalFire Tour, Turtle Bay Tour, golf at Lake California Golf Course, and a grand tour of Shasta Dam. The kick-off was held as an evening welcome meeting on Thursday, September 28, 2017. For Friday night, there was dinner at the Cook House overlooking Shasta Lake, which included a delicious Mexican buffet.
This meeting was exceptional for the number of 99s who flew to this event, and landed at Redding Municipal Airport. The fly-ins were greeted by Sue Kerr, Julee Garrett, and Lerose Lane. Altogether, there were 22 airplanes tied down at Redding Muni by 99s for the conference.
At Saturday’s business meeting with Alice Talnack, SW Section Governor, there were two guest speakers. Guest speaker, Laurie Baker with Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association, gave a Power Point presentation on the recreational opportunities that Redding and the surrounding areas offer to visitors and residents. Guest speaker, Bryant Garrett, Airport Manager for the City of Redding, gave an update of ongoing and future projects for both Benton Airport and Redding Municipal Airport.
Guest Speakers Laurie Baker (Lt.), and Bryant Garrett (Ctr.),
with Lerose Lane, Mount Shasta 99s Chair (Rt.)
Plus, the Redding Civil Air Patrol presented the colors for the Pledge of Allegiance. Alice followed up with how electronic voting is going to implemented, and other business at hand. Bakersfield Chapter presented their upcoming meeting for the SW Spring Conference, to be held in Bakersfield staring on April 27th and ending on April 29th, 2018, at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, Downtown. This upcoming business conference will include music and arts for our pleasure.
The Professional Woman Pilot of the Year Award for 2017 was awarded to Renee Sandell at the business meeting early because she had to leave for work. Shown below is a picture of Renee receiving the award from Linda Mae Hivert, and Paula Sandling holding Renee’s flower gift.
Renee Sandell Receiving Profession Woman Pilot of the Year Award
The dinner/awards was officiated by Lerose Lane, Chapter Chair, Mount Shasta 99s, and Rose Hanan, Chapter Chair, Redwood Coast Flyers. Rose gave a short memorial in honor of Kay Gott-Chaffey. After being a WASP in WW II, she got her master degree in Education from the University of Oregon and went on to teach at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. Kay continued with her piloting skills, and had a commercial pilot’s license. She helped fly relief missions in Northern California during the 1964 floods.
At our Saturday dinner meeting, Paula Sandling with Linda Mae Hivert, awarded Nora Feddel with the Woman Pilot of the Year Award.
Noral Feddel Receiving Woman Pilot of the Year Award
The dinner/awards was also highlighted with a live auction and notice to the silent auction winners. Nancy Overton-Marshall was the auctioneer, with Sue Kerr assisting.
Sue Kerr and Nancy Overton-Marshall doing Live Auction
Jeanne Fenimore awarded the Monterey Bay Chapter with the PR Award, and also gave recognition to the long-time 99s members. Many long-time members were present.
What made this meeting successful was exceptionally hard work by many of the Mount Shasta 99s and the Redwood Coast Flyers. Rita Limmer organized both the Hospitality room, as well as the Fly Market. Nancy Maas organized many of the tours as well as most of the transportation, along with Diana Ward. Julee Garrett organized the kayaking activity. Barbara Crooker handled the registration along with Barbara Boot. Lerose Lane produced most of the printed materials. Barbara Boot had a very interesting presentation on Amelia Earhart including a slide show which had many interesting pictures showing Amelia life experiences.
Barbara Boot, Keynote Speaker, Giving Amelia Earhart Presentation
SWS Board Members, (From Lt. to Rt.) Michaele Serasio (secretary), Jeanne Fenimore (vice governor), Felicia Hoppe (treasurer), Barbara Crooker (past governor), Alice Talnack (current governor), Paula Sandling (director), Lynn Meadows (director)
This event was not only fun, but it was profitable for both of our chapters.